Lumby - Twin Creek Motels

1643 Vernon Street Lumby V0E 2G0 2 300 000.00 Twin Creeks Motel is a 43 unit motel located on Hwy 6 in Lumby a vibrant community 20 minutes east of Vernon. The motel is a two storey building with 43 guest rooms 22 with kitchenettes. Two bedroom managers suite next to motel front desk. All rooms are clean and well maintained with new paint and windows. Rooms have fridge microwave flat screen tv and window unit A C. New boiler hot water tanks and on site laundry facilities. Motel sits on a peaceful 2.8 acres and backs onto creeks and walking trails and is adjacent to curling ice rink softball park and pool. This is the only motel in town and offers the opportunity for year round income with lots of area activities and its proximity to both Monashee and Mabel Lake Provincial parks. Turn key business with solid occupancy and good revenue stream. MLS 10109880 For more information call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or Jordan Grieve 250-833-7812 or visit Marketed by Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty Toll Free 1-800-890-9166 - See more at s commercial_real_estate-ad203422095.htm sthash.Dw5OgJDr.dpuf



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