Tent Installer Wanted

Tent Installer and Equipment Maintenance Work Outside with highly motivated outdoor enthusiasts. This position allows you to work hard outside travel and earn money. Position Type Part Time Seasonal.Minimum Experience Required none but experience in the industry will be looked upon favorablyYOUR JOB Position Tasks & Activities - Load tent & related equipment with warehouse support - Receive order or load list. - Decipher load list and pull necessary equipment for job. - Make necessary adjustments in load list and check load list against order.- Check weather conditions prior to & during installation.- Communicate with sales regarding any special notes. - Perform quality control inspection. - Check equipment off list as it is loaded and load equipment on truck in proper order. - Secure load for safety.- Load tools & operation equipment. - Check final load. - Assemble various tents per manufacturer company safety policy & procedures. - Lay out drop cloth in area of tent to protect top. - Coordinate with Tent Manager on layout.- Layout all components per specification and CAD diagram. - Install anchors uniformly.- Secure tent with final tie off. - Inspect tent for proper assembly.- If applicable install all other rented accessories per layout. - Maintain tent job after installation and adjust per weather conditions.- Inspect tent and accessories for damages before removing. Complete paperwork if necessary.- Remove rented accessories- Remove tent per manufacturer company safety policy & procedures. - Repair minor tears etc. on-site or tag for repair. - Load truck properly at rental site. - Work with warehouse support to be sure truck is unloaded properly and that everything is returned to inventory. - Clean tents per company policy and procedure. - Report to tenting manager or crew chief completion of job and any necessary repairs. - Report safety violations to supervisor .- Communicate with supervisor. - Fill in for other positions when necessary for smooth operation of the business. - Network with other industry professionals. - Adhere to all company policies procedures rules and regulations in written or verbal form. - Comply with government safety requirements and other regulations. - Perform other duties as requested. Nature of Work Responsible for the timely installation safe use of tents and related equipment. The work is typically very physical and demanding both from strength requirements and the stamina required. Will also help maintain inventory. Shipping and receiving functions from light to heavy are also performed. Assisting with janitorial responsibilities both inside and outside the premises may also be involved. Working Conditions Must stand for long periods of time. The work will be split between general warehouse conditions in which most work areas will not be heated or air conditioned and conditions outside which vary from day to day. This job requires constant interaction with co-workers and with the public. This position requires frequent lifting and a significant degree of walking bending and transporting objects of various weights and dimensions. Education Skills & Requirements - A high school diploma or equivalent GED is required.- Must be able to lift approximately 70 lbs. - Must maintain a professional personal appearance. - Must possess customer relation skills. - Must be able to use mathematics to solve problems. - Must maintain an acceptable attendance record.- Must have a full range of motion and dexterity. - Maintain a cooperative working relationship with co-workers. Apply in person at 5716 E. Executve Drive Westland 48185.



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