2011 Keystone Raptor 361 Toy Hauler

2011 Keystone Raptor 361 2011 raptor toy hauler in excellent condition. Must see to appreciate Cummins Onan 5500 onboard generator with only 60 hours. Camper waxed on regular basis. Have nice full camper cover front stabilizer tripod and new front top half decal. Only decal that has any blemishes. Tri-axle setup with electric brakes. Tires are in great condition. Original owner. Roof in excellent condition as well. Central heat and air with dual Coleman Mack A C units. Dual propane tanks with electric propane hot water heater. 110 gal fresh water and 78 gal black grey water tank. Premium indoor outdoor sound system complete with 3 tv s. Dual standard beds in rear converts to 12 garage. Fueling station and toy security system. Electric front leveling jacks and rear stabilizing jacks. 4 queen beds. Electric awning in excellent condition. Gross vehicle weight rated at 15000lbs. Clear title in hand. Fifth wheel hitch included. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1012684.htm sthash.VeyHEghN.dpuf



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