1987 YAMAHA Venture Royale - 1300 cc

I have a 1987 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 cc. (Model XVZ13D) It is the 5th Anniversary Edition with 42 751 miles in it. One owner. Cruise Control Air Suspension Touring seat good tires Original Yamaha Tool Kit Plenty of power for two riding or mountains. Adult-owned garage kept. No chips or dings. Newer battery & tires. Looks sharp and rides great for either one or two riding touring. You will not find a better touring bike for the price -- everything a Gold Wing has except reverse. Ready to go on your road trip today Yamaha Factory Owners Manual Included. Ken in Rockford at 815-226-4937 3 000. - OBO. > See ROCKFORD S CRAIG S LIST for more photos.



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