Affordable Landscaping and Lawn Care

Castaneda s Landscaping & Construction Co. We Offer Professional And Affordable Services Residential And Commercial Such As.. General Contractor-Lawn Care-Landscaping-Construction And Remodeling.Fully Insured And LicensedFREE ESTIMATESAll Types Of Remodeling Interior And Exterior.New ConstructionGaragesSidingRoofingWindows DecksKitchen & Bath sFlooring Hardwood & CeramicHouse AdditionsCarpentry In GeneralAnd More.Professional Lawn Care and Landscaping ServicesAffordable Rates (Starting from 18.00 per cut ) Commercial and ResidentialFREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES Services Landscape DesignRetaining Wall DesignBrick Patio DesignHardscape DesignSeating WallsPillarsSeal CoatingAnd More.Also...Spring Fall Clean UpLawn Maintenance Mowing Weekly or Bi-WeeklyPower RakeBush TrimmingFertilizing (Free For Weekly Customers)Gutter Cleaning Chop Down BushesTree CareSod Seeding (Free For Weekly Customers)MulchDecorative Rock GardenLawn AerationWeed Killing Snow RemovalAnd Much More We Are Serving The Rockford Area and Surroundings.RockfordLoves ParkMachesney ParkCherry ValleyNew Milford Belvedere RoscoeRockton RochelleWinnebagoPoplar GroveFreeport CaledoniaSouth BeloitBeloit And More FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES Give us a call and get your Free Estimate Contact Info.(815)904-2891Like Us on FACEBOOK Castaneda s Landscaping & Construction Co.



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