Fully Furnished Room for Rent w Private Bathroom (Rockford)

Young female professional looking for a responsible roommate to move in as early as January 25th. However the move-in date is negotiable. This luxurious apartment is located on the East side of Rockford right off of the expressway near Cherryvale Mall and State St. Amenities include in-unit washer dryer central heat and a c new appliances brand new dishwasher new garbage disposal private garage internet 24-hour workout facility and on-site maintenance. The large room is fully furnished with a bed nightstand shelf and chair. It also has a walk-in closet and private bathroom. The apartment is also fully furnished. No smokers please.Contact me at (708) 589-5209 or (218) 348-3776 if you have any questions or would like to see pictures or schedule a showing.



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