Affordable Sales and Marketing Team for Hire

I work in conjunction with a team of five that help support our clients in performing sales calls ramping up aging collections efforts translating spanish conversations to transact with customers vendors assistance sourcing and procuring lower cost materials creating research projects qualifying leads vendors event planning representation & exhibition beta testing & creating customer surveys utilizing several marketing strategies to promote your business providing 24 7 on-call and dispatching service and other administrative tasks to produce better results than you would receive from just one employee. We maintain strict confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements with all of our clients to assure our clients business operations remain private as requested. We are available to start work immediately but we are actively seeking our next project to manage and are capable of meeting with you now to discuss our abilities to cater to your needs and producing the professional results you want. We also provide you the freedom to discontinue our contract services at anytime or use us on a temporary basis. We are also more affordable than hiring just one employee with a salary and benefits. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss your goals in detail and allow us to learn more about your company. David Cunningham Puzzle Piece Resources LLC 682.292.8569 PPR.Helpdesk(at) Industries we have helped Residential & Commercial Construction Companies Convenience Stores Fleet Transportation Logistics Co Fuel Lubricant Distributors Government Municipalities Landscaping Co Medical Services Oil Gas Companies Product Manufacturers & Engineering Restaurants Food Services Retail Merchandisers Software & Mobile Apps Services Offered But Not LIMITED To Transitional planning and management for business expansion to new locations or areas Testing and surveying local markets for beta testing of new products Providing assistance in product promotion and planning new product roll outs Planning marketing initiatives and executing marketing strategies for a business s products and or service Generating brand awareness and providing a professional presence at sponsored events Providing Door to Door Marketers to provide information samples or sales promotions Setting up Adopt a Highway Program and providing roadside cleaning assistance Develop customer feedback surveys and providing report findings Providing sales processes and structures to generate sales and revenue for the bottom line Heading up sales management new business development creating sales blitzes and developing sales pitches Perform periodic secret shopper programs with feedback and report findings Implementing CRM Programs to manage current and prospective customers Taking charge of closing on overdue business collections efforts Assistance with finding vendors examining important qualifications and sourcing procuring materials and services Planning executive social banquets business events and other corporate sponsored networking activities Routinely update company websites with new material and provide social media management Project management and oversight for new construction projects demolitions renovations and experimental projects Event representation and assistance running informational booths sales kiosks and product demonstrations Strategic headhunting contracting labor staff recruiting and assistance training new hires Perform on site and remote inventory counts Providing Virtual Remote and Personal Office assistants On-Call Service to keep up a 24 hour dispatch presence and receptionist relief Executing planned business operations to provide temporary work load relief



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