Two Bedroom on the water with 30 ft Class One Boat Slip

Thank you for your interest in my Key Largo vacation home. If you love the ocean I can guarantee you will not be disappointed spending a vacation anywhere in the Florida Keys. The condo you ll be enjoying is located in a complex called Moon Bay which is more like a resort than a condominium. Tennis court. basketball shuffle board a private boat slip and a dock for fishing and saltwater swimming to mention just a few of the amenities. The unit is on the fourth floor of an elevator building making for spectacular views from the living room master bedroom and screened-in porch. Moon Bay has two pools with plenty of deck for soaking up the sun. Romantic restaurants right on the water are within easy walking distance. There is also a bike and jogging path directly across the street. The condo is only a short drive from Everglades National Park and just over a mile away is John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. As the home of America s only living reef Pennekamp is world-famous as an outstanding spot for scuba diving and snorkeling. Also saltwater fishing in the Keys attract people from all over the world. The unit has two bedrooms and a bath and a half. Naturally the entire unit is air-conditioned. The kitchen is fully equipped with everything you need including a microwave oven. There are three televisions (all with cable) a stereo and a VCR plus a free washer and dryer in the unit. You ll also have access to a recreation room with ping-pong and an outdoor grill right on the waterfront pier. My rates for four people range from 945.00 during the low season.. Weeks containing a major holiday are higher. There is a 200.00 security deposit on first rentals. Monthly rates range from 2 595.00. Forget those rates. If you can make a reservation less than 30 days prior to arrival I will seriously discount. While my rate is certainly no more than the going rate this unit is one of the nicest you ll find -- and definitely the best value. It sincerely is a first-class condo. It is a second home not just a rental unit. Moon Bay is such a special place -- I m sure you ll love it. As always I m happy to provide any information you may need. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to see pictures of the unit and surrounding views. Best wishes for a great Moon Bay vacation. Captain Don Schlegel (SS) U.S. Coast Guard Licensed Master (Ret.)



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