Bilingual Sales Consultant

Looking for a new career at a family-orientated company with many opportunities to advance Van Horn Automotive may be the place for you Van Horn Automotive has been serving the Wisconsin area for over 50 years and now operates Dealerships in nine locations throughout the state. Van Horn Latino is looking for an enthusiastic and professional Bilingual Sales Consultant to sell new and or used vehicles. Van Horn Automotive offers an outstanding salary & commission pay plan and a full benefit package including health dental vision 401(k) vacation tuition reimbursement gym membership reimbursement excellent employee discounts and advancement opportunities. Qualifications High School Diploma GED or equivalent is required. Class D Drivers License is required Previous Customer Service experience is required. The Van Horn Automotive Group Van Horn Hyundai of Sheboygan Van Horn Hyundai of Fond Du Lac Van Horn Chevrolet Plymouth Van Horn Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Plymouth Dane County Auto Sales Stoughton CARite Milwaukee Van Horn Latino Milwaukee First Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Manitowoc Sheboygan County Budget Auto Plymouth Apply online today employment or email resume to brittney(at)



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