Nanny Position in Bedford NY

Open position for a family of four in Bedford NY. Duties include preparing children for school early in the morning. Then housekeeping chores throughout the day which includes dusting vacuuming laundry occasional ironing and organizational projects. Around 2 30pm the kids will be retrieved from the elementary school and duties will be primarily childcare. The childcare tasks include preparing dinner helping with homework driving to any activities playing games with the kids and preparing kids for bed at a timely hour. The schedule for this nanny housekeeping position will be Monday through Friday from 7am to approx 7pm with weekends off. Looking for an energetic and hard working individual Would prefer someone with experience working in a large home with expensive materials and is knowledgeable of washing different materials of clothing. This job will be on the books so the person must be legal to work. They must also speak English FLUENTLY have a clean driving record and a car of their own to transport to and from work and have over four years recent experience as a nanny. Weekly salary starting at 800 wk. Can be negotiated based on experience and skillset. If you fulfill these qualifications please complete an online application at s user account applynow



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