Apple MacBook Air i7 2.0Ghz (13" mid-2012) 8Gb RAM

I got the macbook for 1599 two years go and I just got the new one as a birthday present so I m looking to get rid of this one. Yosemite OS (10.10) iLife 2011 iWork 2009 Office 2008 Runs Firefox 39 Chrome 43 Safari 8 & Opera 30 browsers Rare(ish) 8Gb RAMTurbo Boost to 3.2Ghz Thunderbolt Port USB 3.0 & SDXC Card Slot New MagSafe A C Charger Hinge Condition 10 10 Battery Condition 10 10 OS 10.10.4 Yosemite (upgraded) Hard Drive 128Gb Solid State (FAST) Wi-Fi Airport Extreme (802.11a b g n) Built In Camera 720p FaceTime HD webcam RAM 8GB (most of these only have 4Gb and that cannot be changed) Video RAM 384Mb -- 512Mb (dual graphics processors) Screen Glossy (i.e. not matte) Ethernet Speed Gigabit (via the Thunderbolt port with an Ethernet Adapter) Bluetooth 4.0 USB speed 3.0 (two ports) A C Charger MagSafe (New non-apple charger included) Video out Thunderbolt Port No button glass multi-touch trackpad Model 5 2 (mid-2012 to mid-2013) Please include a text phone number that will speed up your getting a response.Office 2008 (Word Excel PowerPoint & Entourage) and iLife 2011 (iPhoto iTunes GarageBand iMovie & iWeb) & iWork 2009 (Pages Numbers & Keynote apps) installed.



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