Sincere loving man seeking a sincere loving woman..

I am secure & happy with myself but...Life is meant for 2 A little bit about myself i am God fearing loving and a man that loves the lord so much I enjoy travel camping by a lake gardening home decorating Comedy & Dinner Theater music my dog & celebrating special occasions. I am self-sufficient independent honest I have a great sense of humor & family & friends are very important to me. A man who ONLY has eyes for a woman that is sincere loving romantic and above all a God fearing and good christian & can make me laugh are important qualities No Pressure Let s just relax...& get to know each other... and see what happens.i am searching for a life partner that i can grow old with i know you are out there and i hope to find you soon..Only looking for a woman between the age of 45-70 and nothing less or more.



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