FundRaiser for Homeless animals

We are having a fund raiser to help Abused and Homeless Animals on June 13th Saturday at 13165 Lock Lane Excelsior Springs We rescue ALL animals in nee of a home that has been thrown out or abused. We find them a forever loving homes thru our Adoption Program. We are also a non-profit (c)3 orginization. Pet Adoption the day of Event along with Fishing Contest bring your own poles and bait. Horse Shoe Contest - And Raffles Raffle Tickets are 1 each for a chance to WIN a Gift Basket Large Stuffed Tiger a Indian Lithograph Framed. Free stuffed animals for the kids. Should be fun for the whole family. Get your tickets early. 816-888-9094 or 816-888-9091 You need not to be present to win. NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS ALLOWED ON PROPERTY - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY OR FOR ACCIDENTS.



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