Accepting QuotesEstimates For WordPress Cultural Website Upgrade

Extensive work on cultural travel website booking trips. Need video button fixes registration purchase plugins modified slide show volunteer sponsoring photo highlighting call appointment setup chat setup blog responsive pics. We ll await your qualifications list of addressable tasks if necessary projected completion time and cost. Detailed tasks 1. On front page mouseover superimpose a second video over the first full-screen video (must have an X button for cancelling) 2. Hitting back button after viewing Learn More should not make prompts appear again 3. Implement registration for monthly program of 1 2 or 3 week stays. Choose T-shirt size from dropdown. Allow partial or full payment. 4. Identify and implement a WordPress plugin similar to the registration process at competitor site. 5. Slide show similar to competitor site set in a picture - text - break - text - picture format. Text will change with each picture showing destination info. 6. Account login page. 7. Find volunteer to donate to via Customer ID email or volunteer last name 8. Donations - personal photo background photo personal mission text with donate link fund a day for me option help me get to _____ progress bar donation milestones. As close to YouCaring format as possible. 9. Highlight host & program pictures somehow (optimal choice of mouseover black and white highlight border second picture) 10. Ajax internal or equivalent scroll for bio page 11.Group picture for crew photo that plays embedded or possibly self hosted video 12. Suggestions on how to improve testimonials 13. Make country facts on front page smaller vertically 14. Front page brochure form option email or mail option 15. Recommend animated stylized substitutes for current buttons 16. Set up Skype schedule appointment form (time set on website database plus email sent out) 17. Customize chat options per page 18. Create section to promote blog on front page 19. Horizontally thin main menu 20. Ensure host pictures are responsive We are evaluating the first batch of quotes at 7 PM May 12. Thank you.



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