Wife wanting another man or More

My wife wants to be used by another man or two. Possibly even three. She is a nympho. We had a threesome twice with a friend. Her first time with two men. She really liked it. Now wants to do it again. Hopefully with some one or some ones to do her real good. I might join in. I m straight. Also we are both clean disease free and want to stay that way. So be clean to. Also must be ok with me filming it. For my own private collection. We are in our 40 s party friendly. Was hoping to find someone to get a hotel room for the night party and play. Cda casino would work best for us. We can play tomorrow maybe even tonight. So if interested and want your coc sukd and a wet pssy to fk all night then send stats and some info. On yourself and we will get back to you. Have a friend he can c-m to.



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