John Deere 624H Wheel loader

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 1 11 19 - To view auction details go to s index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 67& acctid 106132000 John Deere 624H wheel loader. Serail DW624HX578275. Comes with plow wing and 4N1 bucket. It has 9616 hours powered by a JD 6068 motor. Has 4 forward speeds. Has 5th valve in it to run the wing plow. Comes as shown in pictures. Loader operates well but does have hydraulic leak from front spool valves and will cause loader arms to settle. Also RF tire has slow leak. Plow is a Root plow that has a homemade bracket to mount plow to quick hitch. Loader has JRB 416 quick hitch plow and front blade have matching hitch. Wing is a Gledhill wing with trip edge. Front plow is 11 wide and wing is 12 wide. Unit has cab with heat but does not have air conditioning. In person inspections are encouraged. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION.



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