WorldMark Park City Availability Feb 1 2015 to Feb 6 2015. Pleas

The Perfect Year-Round Vacation Destination. Almost completely surrounded by mountains the scenic community of Park City is far more than a ski town. During the winter you ll find incredible sports opportunities at three world-class skiing and snowboarding resorts - Park City Mountain Resort Deer Valley Resort and Canyons. More activity required Then try tubing snowmobiling or take a sleigh ride. In the summer months the slopes turn into the best mountain biking and hiking hills around. Old Town is a lively gathering place for locals and tourists alike restaurants galleries and swanky boutiques fill historic buildings that once housed saloons and boarding houses. Don t miss a visit to the world s only ski in distillery to taste hand-crafted whiskey or vodka. Helpful Hints Ski storage available Popular Attractions Heber Valley RailroadVintage and restored coaches are pulled through beautiful Heber Valley by a variety of diesel and electric locomotives. Choose from a spectacular scenic trip or a day combining rails and adventure. Perhaps an evening enjoying a beautiful sunset while eating a dinner fit for a cowboy is more your style or take one of the special event trains for something a little bit out of the ordinary. Utah Olympic Park Watch athletes in training visit the interactive Alf Engen Ski History Museum stroll the nature trails and travel to the top of the world s highest altitude ski jumps and see one of the fastest bobsled luge and skeleton tracks. Ride the Comet Bobsled down the Olympic track for the thrill of a lifetime reaching speeds of up to 65 mph with a professional bobsled pilot. Try freestyle jumping into the Aerials Pool on skis or the Extreme Zip (one of the steepest ziplines in the world). Timpanogos Caves (seasonal) Hike your way past stunning vistas at this national monument. Three interconnected caves will enable you to explore a hidden underground world. Take a guided tour with an experienced ranger through incredible and colorfully decorated rooms and learn the science behind the rock formations. If you are interested in another Worldmark vacation destinaton Please E-mail me the dates and times. Thank You. Please make this reservation on or before January 22 2015 or this reservation will be cancelled. 1800.00 5 nights stay House cleaning Fee 199.00 4 Bedroom Deluxe King in master queen in second queen or two twins in third two twins in fourth bedroom and sleeper sofa in loft. Maximum occupancy is 10. Check-In at 4 00 PM Sunday Feb 1 2015Check-Out at 10 00 AM Friday Feb 6 2015 Call me at 1-435-513-2965 For payment I will E-mail you a Paypal Invoice.



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