Spa Services at Skin and Body Care Spa (Up to 56% Off). TWO Opti

WELCOME TO OUR BEAUTY DAY SPA WE OFFER A VARIETY OF FACIAL SERVICES SUCH AS MICRODERMABRASION BLAST SIGNATURE ORGANIC TIME SAVER FACIALS CLARIFYING FOR TEENS BACK FACIAL AND COLLAGEN RESCUE. ALONG WITH THESE SERVICES WE OFFER ADVANCED FACIALS AS WELL -- SHOULDERS NECK AND HEAD MASSAGE INCLUDED WITH THESE GOLD COLLAGEN CRYSTAL COLLAGEN AND SEAWEED. WE OFFER ALSO SPECIAL PACKAGES FACIALS MASSAGE GOOD DEAL Choose from TWO Options 49 for a 50-minute Swedish Massage or 50-minute Customized Facial with aromatherapy (up to a 105 value) 79 for both a 50-minute Swedish Massage and a 50-minute Customized Facial or two of either service (a 160 value) A Customized Facial begins with a consultation by expert aestheticians to help determine the best facial for your skin type such as oily dry dehydrated mature acne-prone or combination. The service itself kicks off with a deep cleanse tone and scrub to prep the face before exfoliation steam and extractions clear out impurities and reveal a fresh complexion. A skin-specific mask calming serum and moisturizer finish the treatment. WE ARE OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10AM TILL 8.30 PM. CALL AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT 267-444-9365 Thank u for your attention



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