2012 Crossroads RV Elevation

10-foot Rear Garage Rear pull-down screen Electric-Lift Beds in garage easy lift ramp door Kitchen Center island with skylight Refrigerator Microwave 3-Burner Range Slide lots of storage Living area Entertainment Center- includes LCD TVs wired to built-in DVD system overhead storage large viewing window over couch Master suite Step Up To Queen Bed Wardrobe Slide Chest of Drawers Half Bath TV separate A C unit Extras Generator Fueling station Electric Awning double A C units outdoor shower Specification Description Length 34 11 Dry weight 9985 Fresh Water Capacity 110 gals Grey Water Capacity 80 gals Black Water Capacity 40 gals Sleeps 6 Slides 3- kitchen living room bedroom - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1007595.htm sthash.rMVyX5L7.dpuf



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