Enjoy a Teddington Tennis Game at Kingston Riverside Club Throu

Individuals entire families office goers students- all are welcome to be a part of Kingston Riverside Club a Teddington tennis club. Our lawn tennis club is just by the river Thames and we take pride in welcoming a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and age groups. The club was established with a vision of making tennis a game that could be affordable and easily accessible by all people. We have been around for more than 30 years now and the management has always attempted to keep this Surbiton tennis club as modern as possible with regards to the courts the site and method of imparting tennis skills. Kingston Riverside Club has natural clay and hard courts. Indoor tennis can be enjoyed during winters. The courts are floodlit so that one can enjoy a game during the evening.This Teddington tennis club also has a club house and a licenced bar for the members and guests where functions and events can be held. If you don t know how to play we have coaches too Contact us Kingston Riverside Club Lower Ham Road Kingston Surrey KT2 5AJ 020 8546 5935 www.kingstonriversideclub.org tennis-teddington.html



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