Dream Cruise Vehicles for sale

Ever thought of participating more fully in an event like the Woodward Dream Cruise Make this the year that you do. WoodwardDreamCruise check out these two ends of the spectrum in terms of driving style 1. antique Studebaker 2. great big green army truck Two amazing DreamCruise vehicles for sale - ready to go now own an antique collector car 1924StudebakerPresident 1924 Studebaker President Model - a great parade car Bright red with black and more accents. Lovely condition vehicle. Own an antique car and cruise the dreamcruise in style this year 2014DreamCruise always garage stored and mostly in the south this beauty is for sale now for 13000 or best offer own your own monster sized army truck original and authentic army green army truck AMGENERALARMYTRUCK armytruck 5 ton some modifications including 52 big tires 52inchtires this AM General off road or on road heavy duty truck turns head and drive it to this year s DreamCruise and sit high up and take in the sites Greatparadetruck veteranstransport paintballteamcarrier smallbusinessvehicle contractortruck dunevehicle this truck 15000 or best offer



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