7 Piece Living Room Set

This country Burgundy with Cream Color Flowers Design. Hand carved wood trim and it has two-sided pillows attached. This is a great buy you get 5 piece living room set Sofa measurement 80 Long x 35 Wide x 34 High Loveseat measurement 58 Long x 34 Tall x 35 High With 2 end tables measurement 28 Long x 22 Wide 1 Coffee Table measurement 45 Long x 26 Wide and (2) 34 Tall lamps. Also I m including a artificial house plant as seen in picture. (I have to say on the sofa couch on the bottom there is a tear) but other than that it is in excellent condition. This is a great buy for the price. (BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PICK-UP) IF INTERESTED REPLY TO POST



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