2008 Double Tree Elite Suite 36Ft Fifth Wheel For Sale

2008 Double Tree Elite Suite 36Ft Fifth Wheel. 3 Slide Outs Air Ride Suspension and Air Ride Hitch White Leather Skirting 2 Air Conditioners 2 Furnaces 2 Front Load Washer and Dryer- Stackable Thermal Double Pane Tinted Windows All Walls Plus Slides 3 Inches Thick Walls are R25 Factor Roof and Floors are R40 Factor 4 Door Fridge and Freezer With Water Dispenser and Ice Maker Microwave and Convection Oven Black Granite Counter Tops 2 Leather Rocker Recliner Chairs King Size Bed Fireplace 2 TV s 1-42 Flat Screen 1- 26 Flat Screen in Bedroom Full Stand Up Corner Shower- 7 High. Please call 403-502-4370.



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