CDL-A Truck Driver

NOT your typical driving job. Do you want to do more than just drive Our drivers also set-up and tear-down trade show displays throughout the United States. Driving is only part of the job. The other part is providing customser service during the trade show to our clients.Drivers are typically out on-the-road driving and servicing a trade show about 7-14 days on average. Then they are back home to enjoy quality time with family while working in our Sylva NC location. Our Company pays for hotels at the trade show locations along with providing a rental car. Drivers receive a daily per diem for meals in addition to a daily travel rate. And on drive days they also receive a drive day supplement.Between trade shows our drivers work in our warehouse and or shop that is located in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina.If you re looking to do more than just drive this may be just the job for you Our fleet consists of Peterbilt and Kenworth late model tractors with full sleepers.W2 position with Benefits.Are you a retired truck driver We also have part-time CDL-A Truck Driver positions available.



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