Antique Mahogony Queen Size Bedroom Furniture

Excellent condition. Brownish finish mahagony. No scratches cracks chips. Purchased from Riverchase Antique Gallery for 2 500. Have receipts. From a non-smoking home. Guest room is being converted to an office so no longer need the bedroom furniture. All furniture has dovetailed joints in drawers. All drawers slide out as easily as they should. Mirror in perfect condition.Included are - Gentlemen s chest dresser Berkey & Gay circ. 1920 4 drawer beveled detailed corners 48 W x 22 D x 36 H - Mirror 42 H x 26 W - Chest of drawers 4 drawers on 3 drawers beveled detailed corners 36 W x 20 D x 52 H - Bed with intricate carved headboard and footboard. Headboard top of spire is 52 H. Bed rail converters to allow queen size mattress are included. No mattress or box spring. - Night stand 2 drawers 15 W x 14 D x 27 H Furniture is located in Inverness area off Hwy. 280 and Valleydale Road. I will deliver within Birmingham area. Calls texts or e-mail fine.



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