WANTED: Class A Truck Mechanic FULL TIME w/Benefits - HATFIELD P

WANTED Class A Truck Mechanic FULL TIME w Benefits - HATFIELD PA19440 (hatfield pa 19440) Opdyke s Truck and Equipment sales is looking for a Experienced Responsible Motivated Class A truck mechanic. The position is full time 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday. Applicant MUST have their own tools and a CDL CLASS B with air brakes license. All CDL drivers who work for us will be given random urine tests. Applicant should also have a Class A PA State inspection license. Hydraulic systems knowledge is a plus Company uniforms Health Care and 401k provided. Please contact Russ (at) 215-703-4387 for more info (leave msg if he doesn t answer) We are looking to fill this position immediately



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