3D Basketball Clinic

> Whether you are a beginner and want to learn to play basketball or you currently play with a team and want to improve your skills we have a program for you We have corresponding lessons for stuents from 6-18 yrs.old > Our programs goal is to help our students develop the 3Ds of basketball Dribble Drive and Defense with proper form. We start by evaluating your skills and from your level we will help you progress in basketball with competense confidence and endurance. > Our programs are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays at E.A Hall Middle School Basketball Gym or ar a PVUSD School s gym as the need may rise. > Our fees are charged on a monthly basis at a fixed rate of 240 per month.Please make arrangements with us for unavoidable absences at least two weeks before schedule. > We also accomodate group or team private lessons. For further inquiries contact us at (831) 840-0365 0r (831) 254-2897 OUR GUARANTEE If within two months from joining our clinic and you are not satisfied with our program we will be happy to reimburse 50% of the fees you have paid us. WHO ARE WE Our program is conceived out of our passion for basketball. Our Coach and trainor is a guy who is gifted with the ability to teach basketball skills for all levels. In the court our coach played in his high school s basketball varsity team for three years. In the course of these fun-filled years of playing basketball starting from what he calls strong foundations of the game.With his love for the sport he joined a basketball clinic in the Philippines owned by a retired professional basketball player where he worked for ten years and became the main instructor. His clinic has produced high caliber basketball players that played in college basketball and are soon to be playing in the country s professional basketball association.In addition he succesfully coached several high school teams for a period of seven years.When he immigrated to the United States last year he immediately volunteered to help train players of the Watsonville High School s Fresheman JV and varsity teams. With his eternal dedication to basketball 3D Basketball Clinic was formed to give an opportunity to everyone who wish to become good at basketball.



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