Dog Outfits are made to your specifications and your dogs physiq

Hello my name is Jo Chandler. I specialize in making outfits for your best friend male or female. I take great pride in my sewing and so will you. I have been getting a lot of requests for my Harley Davidson look alikes. But i make what YOU want.l My outfits are all lined with a soft polished cotton . No edges to give scratchies to you baby. I sew in a totally smoke free home. i do prefer to make all outfits according to your pets measurments. Since they are not ready made they will be handled with care and sewn with pride. I also make cat outfits i aim to plz and i will dress your pet as to your specifications. Christmas is coming so call soon. I am also posting another add titled A FEW MORE OF MY MADE PER ORDER items PICTURES 1) Full view of girls outift 2) shows full lining on all outfits 3) male outfit comes in 2 pieces the under is a shirt (with american flag and bottom the is faux leather 4 This is itsy ready for the easter parade 5) Romeo loves his outfit



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