Pony Club Edition Collection of Books - Price: $25

Anyone who collects these books knows that they are normally 22.95 each - however I have a daughter who had the entire collection and simply never got to even read these books due to her school reading requirements for her classes. So they have never been opened. The hardback covers and pages are still as crisp as they were when they arrived in the mail when we bought them. Here is the entire edition that you child could add to their loving collection Titles Freedom 2004 by Angela Dorsey. The links provide additional back of the book story plots and photos. www.ebay.com itm 111103464736 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Spirit of the Sea by Eleanor Jones.......... www.ebay.com itm 111103468505 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 The Pony Trek.......... www.ebay.com itm 111103473354 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Hoofbeats at Midnight by Pamela Kavanagh www.ebay.com itm 111103478037 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 The Forgotten Filly by Karle Dickerson www.ebay.com itm 111103480347 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Fighting Chance by Angela Dorsey www.ebay.com itm 111103482359 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Winter of the Dance Crystals by Angela Dorsey........ www.ebay.com itm 111103484557 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Freedom s Echo by Angela Dorsey. www.ebay.com itm 111103486543 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 My life with Penny by Marianne Mjelva...... www.ebay.com itm 111103491235 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Dark Horses by Pony Club www.ebay.com itm 111103498849 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 The Fact of Horse Breeds by Cynthia MacFarland www.ebay.com itm 111103503812 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Getting to know your pony by Sandy Ransford www.ebay.com itm 111103507198 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 only a few of the books can be featured below in photos so check out all the links to see everything listed here and thank you. Some lucky child s eyes will light up with the ambition of reading these wonderful books.



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