Russian Bear DogCaucasian Shepherd Puppy

Russian Mountain Dog also known as Caucasian Shepherd or Russian Bear Dog.Gorgeous 12 week old Purebred Caucasian Shepherd. Not registered Parents were imports from Georgia (country not the state). Is current on all puppy vaccinations and dewormer. VERY healthy We have had him since he was 5 weeks old. He is potty trained.. We live on a farm so he is outside a lot. Very healthy happy active puppy. Sleeps in a large crate at night - sleeps through the night with no problems or needed bathroom breaks. Great working farm dog. Amazing with our goats and cows. Has been socialized with other dogs and people... VERY important to keep this breed socialized ONLY FOR EXPERIENCED DOGS OWNERS THAT ARE ABLE TO DISPLAY STRONG LEADERSHIP so that the dog always knows who is in charge otherwise the dog might assume that he needs to take on the alpha role. It is important to expose the dog to extensive amounts of socialization to teach it that not all humans are enemies starting this routine from a young age could be helpful. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are not recommended to be adopted into families with young children because of their guardian instinct and powerful bodies. It is not worth taking the risk I had unexpected health issues that are keeping me in bed 70% of the time that is the only reason I am rehoming this beautiful boy. Because of his breed and need for a strong consistent owner... I can t keep up with him anymore so its in his best interest that he find a home where someone can continue to work with him. Please do your research on the breed if you are not already knowledgeable. He will be around 180 - 200 lbs full grown. I will send pictures upon request. Yes there is a rehome fee Nowhere near what I paid and have put into him. Email with any questions. Thank you.



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