1430 Oakridge Park Rd Orcutt

Surrounded by majestic oak trees the desirable community of Oakridge Park provides the perfect recipe for relaxation and tranquility. A lush garden patio welcomes you inside this lovely 2BR 2BA single level corner unit boasting high vaulted ceilings 1349 SF living room w brick fireplace kitchen w breakfast bar and spacious master suite w walk-in closet & slider to back patio. Highlights include arched windows with custom stained glass panels kitchen includes stainless steel refrigerator & convection oven 3 skylights wood laminate flooring in living room & bedrooms rich oak cabinets throughout tile flooring built-in central vacuum system and luxurious stone tile counters in bathrooms. Your rear yard presents two pergola covered patios and private gate with quick access to gated pool area. The attached 2 car garage offers laundry hook-ups and provides lots of built-in cabinets. Amenities include two swimming pools w Jacuzzi spas tennis court greenbelt views and oak studded walking trails throughout the entire community. HOA fees are 295 per month. This home is located just inside the entrance next to guest parking. Shopping centers restaurants and freeway access can be found just minutes away. This one won t last so call today for your appointment to view Offered at 379 000. Information deemed reliable but not verified or guaranteed by broker.Help-U-Sell Real Estate Santa Maria CA BRE 01790755www.KENSELLS.com



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