1987 GMC 1 2 TON 1500 SIERRA TRUCK - 1500 (Cleburne tx 76033) 1987 Gmc Sierra automatic transmissionThis is a heavy duty running vehicle.All tags are current and in dateEngine is a v8 350 5.7Lautomatic transmission- long bedac and heater workhead gaskets are leaking on the engine the cab and seat and headliner are in real good condition.it has a trailer hitch and dual gas tanksI am asking 1500.00 or best reasonable offer. CASH ONLY CASH ONLY CASH ONLY CASH ONLY817-526-8604No trades or payments and will not part out-please don t ask as it will not happenYOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING FOR THE TRANSFER OF THE TITLE AND REGISTRATION. Inspecton good to 07 14Registration 05 14 dont waste my time or yourswith online stupidity you will get blocked with no reply.This is a tagged inspected good vehicle that needs engine work. It has many upgrades. I have a clear title to the vehicle. I will remove my licence plates before selling the vehicle. you can get a temporary paper plate. 817-526-8604



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