Surgical Masks

Online auctions end 4.12.18. Several lots of Surgical Masks up for auction. To view full details click the direct links for each auction provided below. is the online platform where you can bid on and buy commercial surplus. Price is subject to change at any time during ongoing auction. 2 skids 9600 Surgical Masks RESPIRATOR DISPOSABLE N95 FREE SHIP to business - AuctionDeals.comThis auction is for 2 skid of 24 cases each for a total of 48 cases of new Willson Sperian molded N95 disposable respirators. Each case has 10 boxes of 20 masks each so 200 masks per case. There are 24 cases on each skid for a total 4800 individual. 2 skids of 4800 equals 9600 masks. FREE SHIPPING Continental USA ONLY to business address with dock or forklift unload. Additional charges apply for lift-gate or residential address Key Features Molded nose bridge that comfortably fits a variety of face shapes and sizes Strong and rigid outer shell prevents mask from collapse in high humidity or moist environments Dual welded head straps keep the respirator comfortably on the users face Woven suspension straps reduce the possibility of breakage and does not pull or tangle hair Recommended Industries Use Agriculture Construction Food Services Forestry Municipal Services Steel and Metals Hazards Airborne Particulates Contamination Regulations NIOSH 42 CFR 84 Brand---Willson 2 skid Flat Fold Surgical RESPIRATOR MASK DISPOSABLE N95 FREE SHIP business - AuctionDeals.comTHIS SALE IS FOR 2 SKIDS OF MASKS or 14 400 masks This auction is for 2 skids of 36 cases per skid of new Willson Sperian N95 folded disposable respirators. Each case has 10 boxes of 20 masks each so 200 masks per case. There are 36 cases on each skid for a total 7200 individual masks per skid times 2 skids equals 14 400 total masks. FREE SHIPPING CONTINENTAL USA ONLY to business address with dock or forklift unload. Additional charges apply for lift-gate or residential address The N95 Respirator Surgical Masks help minimize exposure to bacteria by filtering particles smaller than 0.1 microns. Designed for infection control the N95 Respirator Surgical Mask is comfortable and easy to use with N95 Respirator Surgical Masks help minimize the contamination by microorganisms exhaled by others. In addition to dust and debris the N95 Respirator Surgical Masks can also be used to help prevent the flu (H1N1 virus).Stay healthy without the need to avoid public places buy the N95 Respirator Surgical Masks today from Active Forever Skid Flat Fold Surgical RESPIRATOR MASK DISPOSABLE N95 FREE SHIPPING - AuctionDeals.comThis auction is for one skid of 36 cases of new Willson Sperian N95 folded disposable respirators. Each case has 10 boxes of 20 masks each so 200 masks per case. There are 36 cases on each skid for a total 7200 individual masks. FREE SHIPPING CONTINENTAL USA ONLY The N95 Respirator Surgical Masks help minimize exposure to bacteria by filtering particles smaller than 0.1 microns. Designed for infection control the N95 Respirator Surgical Mask is comfortable and easy to use with N95 Respirator Surgical Masks help minimize the contamination by microorganisms exhaled by others. In addition to dust and debris the N95 Respirator Surgical Masks can also be used to help prevent the flu (H1N1 virus).Stay healthy without the need to avoid public places buy the N95 Respirator Surgical Masks today from Active Forever 1 skid Surgical Masks RESPIRATOR DISPOSABLE N95 FREE SHIP to business - AuctionDeals.comThis auction is for one skid of 24 cases of new Willson Sperian molded N95 disposable respirators. Each case has 10 boxes of 20 masks each so 200 masks per case. There are 24 cases on each skid for a total 4800 individual masks. FREE SHIPPING Continental USA ONLY Key Features Molded nose bridge that comfortably fits a variety of face shapes and sizes Strong and rigid outer shell prevents mask from collapse in high humidity or moist environments Dual welded head straps keep the respirator comfortably on the users face Woven suspension straps reduce the possibility of breakage and does not pull or tangle hair Recommended Industries Use Agriculture Construction Food Services Forestry Municipal Services Steel and Metals Hazards Airborne Particulates Contamination Regulations NIOSH 42 CFR 84 Brand---Willson



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