Operator - NuChem LLC

Job Summary As a member of NuChem there will be broad and varied responsibilities. The operator s primary responsibility is to operate and maintain the Wiper system operate grinding equipment and maintain shop and surrounding areas. This position is essential to the success of the overall company. The operator is responsible for representing NuChem as a high quality high standard and high performance manufacturing facility providing the community with the highest quality Products.Duties and Responsibilities Refine glycerin as scheduled Maintain clean appearance of shop facility and surrounding areas Weekly maintenance of equipment(s). Maintain high quality product Perform upgrades and betterment as scheduled of Wiper shop and surrounding areas Qualifications Applicants must be highly motivated able to work both independently and as part of a team have effective problem solving skills have effective oral communication skills good attention to detail. Applicant must be able to operate machinery and equipment including forklifts backhoes and tractors. Applicant must be proficient in electrical wiring PVC plumbing galvanized plumbing welding and torching and able to be trained in light chemical analysis including titration.Compensation Competitive salary and benefits commensurate with relevant experience and training.



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