2013 Winnebago Access Premier WR226QP Class-B Motorhome For Sale

2013 Winnebago Access Premier WR226QP Class-B Motorhome. Like new condition Two trips to BC. Ford E450 6.8L V10 Super Duty. Sleeps 6 Queen Rear Island bed Bunk over cab. 4000 watt onan micro quiet gas generator. Vented roof air conditioner. Electric awning. Rear camera Rear air springs Exterior wash station. 2 TVs with remote Radio Satellite AC Stereo sys. Video sel. Windows dual pane Microwave convection oven. Booth Dinette slide out Cab Leather swivel seats. 3 Burner range with oven 2 door large fridge. Night shades Power vents and other extras. Lots of inside & outside storage Large trunk. No text message or email Selling for health reasons. If interested call 403-358-4123.



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