Commercial Sales Representative - Goodyear - JR-40019099A

Commercial Sales Representative (Commission) The Commercial Sales Representative (Commission) role must sell new and retreaded commercial truck tires and related products and services by managing current customer accounts and seeking new accounts. The Commercial Sales Representative (Commission) must produce sufficient sales volume to achieve assigned sales objectives and promote the company standard of Service Excellence Always by representing the company professionally through team image and service readiness at all times. Also the Commercial Sales Representative (Commission) must possess product knowledge of company s products and services and be able to educate others and monitor and report upon market intelligence which impacts business and pricing within the market. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Managing current customer accounts. Actively seeking new accounts and represent the company to potential customers. Selling company supported products and services. Meeting sales goals set by management. Developing and maintaining a thorough knowledge of products and services to provide accurate information to customers. Evaluating customer needs and making recommendations utilizing the marketing approach to selling. Attending sales training and continually building product knowledge. Meeting established sales and gross profit goals. Preparing weekly sales plans and completing all call reports following established company procedures. Implementing marketing programs to solicit new clients through cold calls campaigns organizations referrals etc. Scheduling fleet service appointment and coordinating appointments with the service department. Conducting fleet needs evaluations and providing customers with cost analysis and benefits. Ensuring prompt resolution of tire adjustments and ensuring that customer casings are handled appropriately. Delivering tires to customers as needed. REQUIREMENTS High School Diploma or GED is preferred (Associate s Degree or higher is desired) Must have a valid driver s license and meet commercial driver qualification requirements including being at least 21 years of age. At least 1 to 2 year of sales experience is preferred. Proper performance of tires and related services. Demonstrated ability to work with little supervision. Sales solicitation. Ability to work with all levels of the organization. Ability to focus on objectives and goals rather than obstacles and barriers. Able to work on multiple projects at the same time. Assess the workload and prioritize organize the work for maximum business benefit. Unwilling to compromise personal integrity or business ethics and able to maintain confidentiality. Ability to communicate business information through verbal written methods that is concise and direct. Conducts business professionally and represents GCTSC favorably in all interactions. Contribute in a team environment. Flexible able to work extended hours. Limited travel required. Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities Women Protected Veterans Disabled Sexual Orientation Gender Identity.Apply at link s srccsh RTI.home r 5000281226010& c 8& d _dissimuloSSO rjplvoTlwnU pNzcZD8PA-wih1WECrRN3oZmCVM& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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