Guaranteed Appliance - Arden

We re-purpose and recycle appliances. We sell them in our showroom at discounted prices and provide a 90-day warranty against malfunction. All of our appliances are electric. We offer a wide variety of Coil Top Stoves Glass Top Stoves Washers Dryers Combo Units and Sets Refrigerators Freezers Air Conditoners and more Brands include Whirlpool GE Frigidaire Samsung Maytag Hotpoint Amana Kenmore and others. We offer Delivery for an additonal fee the the following areas Arden Asheville Hendersonville Fletcher and many more. If you take delivery we will happily remove any old unwanted appliances FREE. Guaranteed Appliance28 Airport RoadArden NC 28704Phone 828-676-3660Hours Monday thru Friday 10 AM - 6 PM Saturday 10 AM - 2 PM



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