VERY BEAUTIFUL AND PLAYFUL Boxer needs a new home.

Our Boxer needs a new home. She is a little over a year old and she s kind and energetic.Rehoming a Beautiful Female Boxer old puppy.Rehoming a Beautiful Female Boxer 11wks old puppy. She is a sweet dog with lots of energy. She is great with kids LOVES them and all people. But I would suggest a family or couple with mid age to older kids or little kids who have no fear of dogs. She does jump and lick a lot although she is small so she can only get to about knee high. Haha Her biggest down side is she is terrified of other dogs really all animals. She loves humans just not pets.Small Rehoming fee of unless you can train it out of her.EMAIL ME.... ... READY NOW. 614xx706-x2158The puppies are very playful friendly adorable and have very good temperament too I can say the best you will find out there. dagdf %



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