1969 Chevrolet Camaro

My eMail o.dalglish(at)aol.com You are viewing one of the most expensive and best performing Pro Touring 69 Camaros ever built. 500K to build this master piece. Commissioned and built for Rick Hendricks by Kent Waters of Kent Waters Originals. The car is in new condition with only 100 miles or so. Just enough to get it sorted out. Basically it is a street legal race car. The design project management and implementation of the plan to incorporate NASCAR features in the build separates this car from other Pro Touring built 69 Camaros. It is a master piece of fabrication and engineering with many aftermarket parts suppliers invited to join in on this innovative build. Many one off features were used. The car has never been shown and has been keep away out of the public eye. Perfect car to use for the Optima Street Car Challenge. The best aspect of the car is the overall engineering that went into the build particularly the custom chassis and suspension. Now available for sale.



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