pomeranian puppies

Male and Female Pomeranian puppies Our babies have been registered micro-chipped wormed again with Drontal at the age of 11 weeks also flee preventative treated with Advocate Puppies being weaned on Royal canine potty trained.Please if you know you are not ready to take in a puppy don t make inquiries. Interested people reply only TEXT..(806)590-0279 -Health Statement -First set of Vaccinations -The Puppies have been vet checked -The daily training we have provided so far Full bred pomeranian puppies looking for a forever home Beautiful male and female 12 week old babies First shot and deworming successful Vet card and immunization card come w puppy Pee pad trained house broken car trained and ready for new home and family Good with kids and non aggressive Rare beautiful colors all with blue eyes Father on site best bloodline Eating dry kibbles Happy energetic playful puppies email for pictures Rehoming fee applies



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