Looking for a 4 Bedroom 1.5 Bathroom New House

Located at N Horsman... This home has the following Main Floor - Covered Front Porch- Good sized Living Room (Hardwood floors waiting to be refinished)- HUGE main floor Bedroom- Formal Dining Room (Hardwood just like the Living Room)- Kitchen - Full BathroomUpstairs - 3 Bedrooms (one is a walk thru)- Half Bath (stool and sink only but room for a shower if you are handy)Basement - Lots of storage- Washer and Dryer hookup (last tenant left the appliances and they go with as-is)- NEW Furnace and Water HeaterOutside - Large parking pad- Open Backyard- Stucco Exterior- Close to restaurants and hospitalThis home needs some work as the last tenant was not real kind to it.For more info please call Jean 630-812-0573



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