Yorkie Puppies

We have 4 males left three from litter 1 and 1 from litter 2. They are 750. A contract is required. This contract is much like any contract you would sign at a local shelter. As long as you have good intentions then you should have no problems with a contract. If you have a problem with my contract we can discuss it or I would rather my babies not go home with you. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but our puppy s are like our babies and we want them to have a great family and home. Two litters of Yorkie puppies. First litter born on 08 06 2017 and second litter was born 08 18 2017. Both mom s are on premises. And Dad lives in Aurora. All puppies will have 2 sets of shots wormed and be micro-chipped. A standard contract will be required to be signed by whomever will be the owner of said puppy. These puppies are raised as furry family members not property and are well loved. Dew Claws have been docks but we do not dock their tails. They will be over 8 weeks old when they are able to leave. They will come with a goodie bag. The daddy is a chocolate color and moms are both silver blondes. I take them to Auburn Animal Clinic. I have been going to Auburn for a while now and they know us and our pets well. Our puppies have never been caged or crated. They are as potty pad trained as can be at their age. Photo is all puppy s in their stroller at first vet appointment More photos available upon request



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