Maintenance Personnel (Bedford IN)

To be considered for employment applicant MUST have High School Diploma or GED have valid Driver s license and valid up-to-date car insurance. be at least 18 years of age. pass background check and drug screen. be able to carry heavy items (while walking up and down stairs or ladders)Job Skills and Responsibilities Include but are not limited to basic plumbing installation and repairs debris removal and trash outs lock changes re-keys installation removal repair of drywall flooring carpet vinyl counters tops cabinets doors windows appliances etc. Maintenance personnel must have the ability to follow detailed instructions and meet strict deadlines. perform routine maintenance repairs in a timely manner. maintain a professional and courteous manner with residents visitors contractors and fellow employees.Compensation negotiable and depends on experience.If you do not meet any of these requirements please do not respond. Please send resume including desired pay to the following email maintenance47421(at)



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