UNDER MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENT FOR QUICK SALE A MUST SEE House to be renoavted for sale - 405 rue Montmorency Laval. Centis 14201402. Exceptional location Great investment Nice size lot 54x100 rare in this sought-after area undergoing a growing gentrification Priced to sell. This property is an opportunity for investors contractors and entrepreneurs looking for a site to renovate modify upgrade or re-built a new construction in a choice location as well an opportunity for courageous buyers looking for a house to adapt to their taste and current trends. The Buyers are responsible to verify with the City of Laval ex Code de l Urbanisme etc for their projets. This property has been inhabited by same owner since its construction in 1959 is in its original state and needs major renovations and upgrades. The basement is semi-finished and the unfinished portion offers potential to add another room and powder room or use as a workshop. New roof 2019 new oil tank 2022. The immovable is vacant rapid acquisition.For more details leave contact information or call Benedetta A. Di Salvo Real Estate Broker Immeubles Atlantic Inc. 514-378-1850MOINS CHER QUE L VALUATION MUNICIPALE POUR VENTE RAPIDE QUI LA CHANCE FAITES VITE Maison r nover vendre -- 403 Rue Montmorency Laval. Centris 14201402. EMPLACEMENT EXCEPTIONNEL Excellent investissement dans un secteur tr s en demande Terrain 5400 pc avec bungalow 1959 avant besoin de travaux majeurs. Cette propri t est une opportunit pour des investisseurs contracteurs et entrepreneurs qui cherchent un emplacement de choix pour r nover modifier reconstruire neuf ou pour des acheteurs courageux souhaitant un gros projet. Cette propri t a t habit e par le m me propri taire depuis sa construction. Nouveau toit 2019 nouveau r servoir de mazout 2022. Achat rapide l immeuble est libre.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Benedetta A. Di Salvo Courtier immobilier Immeubles Atlantic Inc. 514-378-1850



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