Storage Shipping Containers

STORAGE SHIPPING CONTAINERS1500.00 up .For example 20 standard LOCAL pick up only per zip codeMessage me for a quote for delivery to your property.Your zip code will pull up the depot closest to you. You do have the option to pick up 40 x8 x9 6 HIGH CUBE 20 X8 X8 6 STANDARDLIFETIME LEAK FREE WARRANTY...10 YEAR STRUCTURAL WARRANTYPRICE MATCH GUARANTEEPrice listed is a pick up price for a 20 ROLL OFF TRAILER DELIVERY Send me a message with your zip code or call Christine at 724-371-7862 for a price to your location.Our used containers are constructed of heavy-duty steel with gasket-sealed doors to protect your stored items. Guaranteed to have no holes good doors and seals and solid floors.Price depends on zip code and availability. Keywords Storage Connex Connex Container conex conex container on-site storage onsite secure security green booth shop Portable Storage Tools Job Site Construction Shed Farm Ranch Job Box Warehouse Maintenance Buildings Guard Shacks Equipment Storage Mini Storage Feed Storage Welding Shop farming hay storage steel cargo Industrial reusable transport dry freight sea can sea container metal outdoor storage moving export mobile Container Containers tack room Container Cargo Container Storage container Connex box Portable Storage portable shop Tools tool shop secure tool shop secure tool shop watertight tool storage Job Site job office Shed Farm Ranch Job Box Industrial Portable Offices secure File Storage mini secure Warehouse secure Maintenance Building Guard Shacks Equipment Storage Mini Storage Feed Storage Welding Shop workshop secure tool box job site tool box Shop secure equipment storage steel shop secure shop self secure storage secure space water and wind security secure guarded guard mobile mini Ranch far country firewood storage tack shed horse shelters livestock feed storage secure storage lockable lock safety tractor storage



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