Volvo Amazon Kombi bumper (1962-1969) by stainless steel

Volvo Amazon Kombi bumper (1962-1969) by stainless steelVolvo 121 122S Amazon Kombi P221 Year 1962-1969Volvo PV Duett Kombi Station Wagon Estate (1962-1969) Bumpers (Volvo Amazon Kombi Sto f nger)One set includes 1 front bumper in 3 parts 2 overrides1 rear bumper in 3 parts 2 overridesMounting kit (bolts and nuts).The Bumper is copied from the original in shape size and is perfectly comparable to the original bumper.The Bumper is made from 304 stainless steel (it never rust even at different temperatures) 2mm thickness After the bumper is finished it is polished to a high gloss. It looks like chrome. The inside of the bumper is painted with many layers making it smoother and more beautiful.Please see Video below s watch v BZsbwdxTI-kBesides bumper for Volvo Amazon USA I also have bumpers for Volvo Amazon Euro and USA type PV 444 PV544 Euro and USA type P1800 Jensen P1800 ES PV Duett Kombi.The current bumper models we have Mercedes Datsun BMW Volvo Volkswagen Jaguar Ford Opel Triumph More than that we always want to work towards developing more new models. So we are searching for samples from any customers who can cooperate with us to expand some kinds of products in stainless steel such as bumpers trims plate number frames...for classic cars.The choice for your car luxury class. If you need bumpers for any classic car please contactWe can support you Volvo Amazon Kombi bumper Volvo Amazon Kombi Sto f nger.Email info(at) ali.bumperautomobile(at) Web Facebook s profile.php id 100052078128952Instagram s alilieu_ WhatsApp 84812842228 84948.7272.86



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