We are actively seeking responsible drivers in Illinois.We have openings in the following locations Chicago Arlington Heights Elgin Deerfield Glendale Heights Plainfield Valley View Naperville Oswego and New Lenox.XDXSolution requires drivers for the transportation of children with special needs to and from school.We offer excellent compensation and the routes are short distances.Requirements Must be at least 25 years old. (This is a position of great responsibility. The safety of our children is our top priority.)Possession of an official state driver s license with an outstanding driving record.Must have state plates.The vehicle must be from the year 2013 or newer.Authorization from the government to work in the United States.This job is ideal for those seeking additional income and wanting to have free time for other activities while the children are in school. Retired individuals are welcome to apply.Rates Routes from 0 to 16 miles 32.00Routes from 17 to 25 miles 1.60 per mile (in addition to the base pay)Routes of 25 miles and above 1.36 per mile (in addition to the base pay)Note All drivers must be willing to undergo a background check. Additionally they must be willing to undergo drug tests and complete a license update course as required by the state of Illinois for this type of work as it involves the transportation of children.If you are interested please text 1224-595-5725 to schedule a preliminary interview.Website www.XDXSolutionUSA.com



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