Basketball Uniform Manufacturer

Sialkot fitness wear Clothing guarantees a high control from the initial stage of sourcing raw materials to the stage of final finished garment. Our product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibres yarns fabric construction colour fastness surface designs and the final finished garment products. At Sialkot fitness wear Clothing we take this as one of our most important building blocks to ensure our foreign customers high standard quality expectations.Our office is composed of skilled textile engineers in the garment industry & of English speaking staff who keep in touch with our foreign customers worldwide. Our team a mixture of bright local staff and foreign managers does its best everyday to understand and meet customers needs to provide a one-of-a-kind service in Pakistan. Special Thanks. Sialkot Pro fitness wear (Pvt)Ltd.Sialkot Fitness Wear FITNESS CLOTHING. SABRI GROUP35 519 Sialkot - 51310. Pakistansialkotfitnesswear(at)gmail.cominfo(a t)



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