Carry on Flight Approved Travel Laptop Backpack

Ample Space and Reasonable Design Dimensional design meets the maximum size allowed by IATA flights easy to carry around Capacity 40 L Backpack size 19.6 13.8 9.8 INCH Main compartment size 19.6 12.6 5.5INCH. Convenient Travel The hidden shoulder strap makes the backpack can be carried or lifted making it easy to carry around Luggage trolley straps provides easy travel The main handle and side handles are designed to lift the backpack from multiple angles. Easy to Organize The computer compartment with protective foam pad can store up to 17 inch laptop. With the small item storage bag on the lower front side (there is a key buckle in the storage bag) and a quick access storage bag on the upper front side you can store and organize all personal belongings conveniently and quickly. Durable The fabric is made of high density scratch resistant and water repellent polyester and strengthens the key points of force which provide more durable backpack. Comfortable Thickened sponge handles and shoulder straps provide you with more comfort when you are carrying and gripping the bag The chest strap relieves shoulder pressure for weight bearing.



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