Nespresso essenza mini espresso maker

Nespresso s most compact espresso machine opens up a world of rich coffee flavors. The Nespresso Essenza Mini is sleekly styled to fit even the tightest countertops and serves up espresso in minutes just the way you like it. Two pushbuttons Espresso and Lungo keep operation super easy and 19-bar high-pressure brewing has your cup ready in no time. This Essenza Mini with Aeroccino 3 bundle lets you create your favorite milk-based coffee drinks including latte and cappuccino.Brews an espresso (1.35 oz.) or lungo (3.72 oz.) or you can program your own desired cup sizes. Includes Aeroccino 3 milk frother which froths hot or cold milk for making latte cappuccino and macchiato. Ultralight and compact machine is easy to move around the kitchen. 19-bar pressure pump ensures optimal extraction of rich flavor and aroma. Ultrafast heating system achieves the ideal brewing temperature in less than 30 seconds. Compatible with Nespresso brand and other premium single-serve coffee capsules. Includes sampler assortment of capsules. Nespresso is now partnering with DeLonghi Breville and KitchenAid to distribute Nespresso s premium coffee and espresso makers. These are the same stylish innovative machines you know and love designed and engineered by Nespresso.



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